Thursday, December 4, 2014

Climate Change Impacts in Myanmar

1.   Specific Climate Impacts
Social inequalities and discrimination create differences in vulnerability among people. It shapes their risks from climate change.  When water and food is not managed properly this effected the people. Climate change affects people in poverty more than those well off. In my countries region there is a key risk of flooding from the coast and well as the extreme amounts of precipitation during the rainy season.  Over time another risk would be the rising temperature and heat mortality. There are also risks of future droughts.

2. Regional Climate Projections

In Myanmar’s Region of Southeast Asia the temperature has been rising around 0.14 degrees Celsius per decade. Rainfall has also been increases with warmer and wetter years as the summer monsoons have been increasing. There is also a prediction of slightly increased temperature expected over all. With all the changes reported nothing is set in stone as the terrain of the region varies greatly.

3. Detailed Look at Future Climate
 In the region of Asia there has been consistently increasing warming temperatures. The warming is creating great variability in precipitation. Along with precipitation inconsistently water is not well managed for the people and with the population growth does not help. The increasing temperatures are also having an effect on food production. The higher the temperatures get the lower the yields will be for rice production. Areas like central Asia would actually do better from the increased temperature whereas some western regions would suffer. The sea levels are also rising which could affect the low level areas and cause faster erosion and disruption of farming. All of these factors would effect the human population, mainly dealing with food production and water resources.

4. Most Interesting Threat
I found the most interesting issue to be the flooding/precipitation in Myanmar’s region. It is also most closely associated with Myanmar. This is something that is constantly an issue in the region on a yearly basis. The flooding and storms making farming/ food production very difficult often times wrecking crops. Myanmar is right on the Bay of Bengal, which is a location for tropical cyclones. I chose this topic because these are some of the issues actually related to my country. These factors affect my countries people in the low lands where monsoons also occur. I found this interesting because this is not something I deal with living in Hawaii or my home back in California.