Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Global and Local Winds in Myanmar

1. Location & Global Wind

a) Latitude and Longitude: __22.0000_N_ 96.0000 E___
b) Hemisphere:  Northern
c) In which of the three “atmospheric cell” does your country reside: __Hadley
d) In which wind belt does your country reside: ______North Easterly Trades____
e) In which direction does the wind actually blow :   West_
f) Is your country located near a main pressure belt (Low or High): __________High___
  g) If you answered yes to e) which one? If not why? _________________________________________               h) Is your country located near any “special” areas such as the doldrums, horse latitudes or the polar front? If yes, which ones? 
Myanmar is located above the equator at 22.0000 N, 96.0000 E, putting it in the Northern Hemisphere. With the longitude being 22.0000 Myanmar resides in the Hadley Cell. Since Myanmar sits in the Hadley Cell the winds are primarily Northeasterly Trade winds blowing towards the west. The country sits just bellow the horse latitudes near the High subtropical belt. Myanmar is not considered to be in the horse latitude because the horse latitudes around around 23.0000 N and Myanmar is just below that.

_____ 2. (2 points) Global Wind and Weather & MAP – Speculate how your country’s location with regard to the major cells, wind belts and pressure belts determines weather and climate.  Make sure to comment on WEATHER and on CLIMATE. Include a MAP of the global wind and pressure patterns in the portion of the post. (hint: countries located around 30 N or S will likely have deserts due to the subsiding air associated with the Hadley Cell. Ask yourself which way the wind is blowing (remember windward vs. leeward), if air is rising or sinking and how close your country is to the poles and the polar front).

As Myanmar is located in the Northern Hadley cell it receives trade winds. With the trade winds in the east I can assume the winds are stronger In May to October,  May is the start of the wet season. This is also when the south-west monsoon happens. Also being in a Subtropical high pressure zone there should be more rain in the summer months like May and June as well. The seasons are almost opposite from us in Hawaii. When December comes around it starts to cool off in Myanmar but also becomes much more dry.

a) Does your Country have mountains: Yes
b) List 5 types of breezes or winds that are associated with mountains: Chinook, Foehn, Eddy, Katabatic, and Santa Ana's
c) Does/can your country experience any of these winds? If yes which? If not, why? Foehn winds in the center, in a rain shadow from the Arakan Mountains 
d) Does your Country have a coastline:_Yes, it sits in the Bay of Bengal
e) List the two breezes associated with coastlines: Land breezes and sea breezes
f) Does/can your country experience these breezes? If yes, which? If not, why? :Yes

Myanmar has numerous Mountain ranges and flat areas. There are five types of winds associated with mountains including chinook, Foehn, Eddy, Katabatic, and Santa Ana's. In Myanmar the Arakan Mountains help produce Foehn winds, which create rain shadows in a lot of the flat parts in central Myanmar. The West side of Myanmar has coastline with the Bay of Bengal and Indian Ocean. As Myanmar has a monsoon season it experiences both sea and land breezes; the two breezes associated with coast lines. The sea breeze occurs when monsoon season happens and the winds shift.


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